Saturday, April 21, 2012

For Kris's Sixtieth Birthday - Oct 2007

If something rhymed with sixty
I'd write a poem about your age,
But no word rhymes with sixty,
So I can't even rattle your cage.

But if a word rhymed with sixty
I'd write down something witty,
But no word rhymes with sixty,
And isn't it a pity?

If only a word rhymed with sixty
I'd dash off a line of mirth,
But no word rhymes with sixty,
Not a single word on earth.

But if a word rhymed with sixty
I'd write something full of fun,
Something like "Don't you wish
You were still just twenty-one?"

But sadly, no word rhymes with sixty,
Sad, so sad to say,
So instead of rhyming with sixty
I'll just wish you a Happy Birthday!

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