Thursday, May 3, 2012

Soup's On - May 3, 2012

On rare occasions I found this word
But whatever did it mean?
I pronounced it Soup-kon and wondered if it
Was a mixture of veggies and beans,

Or a conglomerate of items
That to me, just do not match
Like plaids and stripes and polkadots,
Or an evening gown with a patch.

I decided today to look up that word
And was taken aback to read
That it comes from a word for suspicion,
A  big surprise, indeed!

In English it means a hint or a trace,
A bit, a wee little dash,
A jot, a mite, a pinch, a speck,
Or a tiny little splash.

Until now I hadn't a soupcon of thought
What a soupcon could possibly be
But now it's ensconced in my brain and in
My vo-cab-u-lar-y.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I had similar ideas about what the word meant. But you wrote the ideas down much more cleverly and wittily than I thought them!
